Saturday, January 23, 2010
Looking for more Thermomix recipes?
check out this link for tons of places to find more recipes in english...
if you have a site or blog to add to it please leave me a message on that post! thanks!
Prize Winner
That was I Love Bimby - so the prize is going your way.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas again - win a book

Well it's Christmas again and time to get everything ready for the New Year/New Decade. It really doesn't seem that long ago that we were worried about the Y2K bug and now we are leaving the Noughties.
I have spent some time adding some of the blogs that have developed during the last year to our list.
There is so much activity at the Thermomix Forum that we have neglected this site.
There are more blogs starting up each month and so lots of new ideas.
Tenina continues to have the Monthly Mouthful competition at Thermomix Australia and we need your help to support her. To encourage people to vote we are giving away a copy of "Lotus: Asian Flavours" signed by the author, Teague Ezard.
All you have to do is check out the December Monthly Mouthful post and make a Comment - You DO NOT have to vote for any of the dishes, just make a comment.
After the competition has closed one of the comments will be chosen at random - not based on content - and the winner will receive the book.
The following recipe is one that was given to me last year to post here, but I hadn't taken a photo and Christmas came and went, so I forgot about it. There is another version on the Forum Thermomix site too by Ingrid in the UK - so it must be good.

Based on a recipe from Delia Smith’s Christmas. This is a luscious and luxurious dessert, so only small helpings.
Chocolate Truffle Torte
75 g Amaretti biscuits
600 ml whipping cream
450 g cooking chocolate (70% cocoa), cut into chunks
5 tablespoons liquid glucose
125 g Grand Marnier, Rum, Whisky or Amaretto
Cocoa powder for dusting
Grease a 23cm springform cake tin with oil, and then place a circle of baking paper in the base.
Place biscuits in TM bowl and crush for 30 seconds on speed 9. Spread these over base of the tin.
Insert Butterfly over blades and place cream in TM bowl. Beat for 20 seconds on speed 4 or until it starts to thicken, it does not need to be firm. Remove to a large mixing bowl and set aside in the fridge. Remove Butterfly.
Without cleaning the TM bowl, place the chocolate into the TM bowl and chop for 10 seconds on speed 7. Scrape down the sides and top and add the liquid glucose and liqueur and then melt the chocolate for 3 minutes at 50°C on speed 1. Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then add some of the lightly whipped cream. Mix for 15 seconds on speed 3.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then add some of the lightly whipped cream. Mix for 15 seconds on speed 3. Carefully fold chocolate mixture into the remaining cream in the large bowl.
Once mixture is smoothly blended, spoon into prepared cake tin and tap gently to even the mixture out. Cover with plastic film and refrigerate overnight.
To serve, use a knife to loosen the edges of the torte and undo the springform sides. Place a serving plate on the torte and turn upside down, so that the amaretti biscuit crumbs are now on top. Dust with sifted cocoa powder.
It may be prepared a couple of days before serving and freezes well.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Win Antonio Carluccio's "Passion for Pasta"

It is time to start up this blog - mainly to show that I am still alive, but also to encourage more Thermomix users to join the Forum Thermomix group.
It is a forum run by an Englishman living in Portugal, but if you check it out you will see that mainly Aussies have taken it over.
We are keen to have people with an interest in the Thermomix join us and post recipes or reviews of recipes.
To this end we have a book giveaway !!!!
Last month I met Antonio Carluccio at dinner at Grossi Florentino. He signed a copy of his book Passion for Pasta.
So, if you would like the opportunity to win this book, join the Forum Thermomix group and either post a Thermomix recipe, or review a recipe - from a Thermomix cookbook or website/forum.
More information can be found here.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Seafood Burgers

Burgers and salad are such a summer staple but I'm just not a fan of the standard burger. So tonight, I made seafood burgers with some marinara mix I found lurking in the freezer. I made some basic grainy burger buns and added chopped, fresh corinader during the final knead. I served the burgers in the bread with avocado and a mayonnaise with some lime juice stirred through. With a garden salad on the side.
Although I made these in the thermomix, a food processor would certainly suffice.
Seafood burgers
2 cloves garlic
1cm piece ginger
500g good quality marinara mix
1 egg
1 tablespoon sherry
2 tablespoons peanuts
2 tablespoons rice flour
12 cup bread crumbs
2 spring onions, finely sliced
1. Chop the garlic and ginger on speed 7 for 5 seconds.
2. Add all other ingredients, except spring onions and chop for 10 seconds on speed 6
3. Add spring onion and blend for 5 seconds on speed 3
4. Heat a little oil in a frypan, spoon in and spread to 1 cm thick. Cook for 2 minutes on each side.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cheryl's Avocado And Ginger Ice-Cream
This recipe from Cheryl Rourke at KingTree Lodge, Cellar Door Foods and Wines in WA
"Mother Nature's answer to camping."
Cheryl's Avocado And Ginger Ice-Cream
Serves 12 ( or more )
8 avocado peeled and stoned and covered in the juice of four lemons ( place the mix in the freezer and chill for two hours )
250g of glace ginger.
4 tablespoons of ginger marmalade.
170g of brown sugar.
600ml of thickened cream.
Process brown sugar to icing sugar.
Add ginger and chop on speed 6 for 10 sec.
Add cold avocado and lemon mix .
Add cold marmalade.
Add cold cream.
Process mix on speed 10 for 30 sec.
When creamy and smooth spoon the mixture into patty cases ( popped inside muffin trays and freeze ).
( I use muffin trays and put the cases into this and when frozen I remove the patty cases from the tray and pop the portions of ice-cream into a zip lock freezer bag ). So easy for serving.
When serving, allow to warm up for about ten minutes before turning onto a plate and removing the patty case.
I serve this with thinly sliced glace ginger, fresh splayed avocado halves, interspersed with thin slices of Ruby Red Grapefruit segments.
The dessert looks spectacular and tastes divine.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christams Cooking
The Christmas Thermomix Recipe Competition has been underway at Thermomix in Australia's blog. If you haven't voted then please look at the recipes and think about making them and voting.
I have recipes that had been sent in and didn't make it, but we can share them here with you. I will try them out and publish with pictures, hopefully. Christmas is only 1 week away though - Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!
The first one is pretty simple and the intro goes like this:
In the Northern Hemisphere, egg nog is a very traditional drink at Christmas. This is a cool variation that is suitable for our climate.
Chilled Rum (or Sherry) Sabayon
3 egg yolks
50 g caster sugar (made in Thermomix)
3 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons rum or Pedro Ximenez sherry
Insert Butterfly over blades in Thermomix and add egg yolks and sugar. Cream yolks and sugar for 4 minutes on speed 4.
With the Butterfly still in place, set Thermomix for 7 minutes at 70°C on speed 4. Gradually add the orange juice and rum (or sherry) through the lid.
The mixture should be thick when cooked; you may need to increase the temperature to 80°C and cook slightly longer.
Place mixture into a bowl, cool, cover and chill in the fridge thoroughly before serving.
The sauce is best made on the day it is to be served as it tends to separate.
The second recipe is an extension of the sabayon or zabaglione above and the intro is:
Champagne and berries say it all at Christmas. This is a dessert that can be prepared in advance. The egg whites in the dish help stabilise the sabayon.
Christmas Berries in Champagne Sabayon
400 g mixed berries, hulled and cleaned
2 tablespoons kirsch or Grand Marnier
2 teaspoons sugar
3 eggs, separated
Pinch of cream of tartar
100 g caster sugar (made in Thermomix)
250 ml champagne
Drizzle the berries with liqueur and sprinkle with sugar. Leave to marinate, overnight if you like.
Insert Butterfly over blades and place egg whites and cream of tartar in TM bowl. Beat for 3 minutes at 37°C on speed 4 with MC out of lid.
Set TM for 1 minute and 30 seconds at 37°C on speed 4 and slowly introduce 50g of the caster sugar. Remove resulting meringue to a bowl and place in fridge.
Clean bowl fairly well and insert Butterfly over blades. Place egg yolks and remaining 50 g of caster sugar in TM bowl and cream yolks and sugar for 4 minutes on speed 4.
While yolks and sugar are creaming, drain berries and strain juice through a fine sieve. Keep berries aside and measure the liquor. You will need about 1/2 a cup, if needed add some champagne to make up to 1/2 cup.
With the Butterfly still in place, set Thermomix for 8 minutes at 70°C on speed 3. Gradually add the liqueur/champagne mix through the lid.
The mixture should be thick when cooked; you may need to increase the temperature to 80°C and cook slightly longer.
Place mixture into a bowl and allow to cool. Once cool, gently fold into the meringue mixture.
To serve: Reserve a few berries for garnish, then place remaining berries into dessert glasses, cover with cold champagne and top with the sabayon. Decorate with reserved berries. Merry Christmas.