dinner tonight was a combined effort and was very delicious as well as quick and easy! as some of you know i have been a bit varoma phobic since some early disasters...
anyway, we wanted a fairly light dinner tonight and decided to give karenleigh's steamed dim sim recipe a go. then we decided we should try cooking the rice in the tmx basket too, and might as well steam some vegies to go with it at the same time! remembering karen's tip to add the vegies for less time this is how it went:
make dim sims as per karen's recipe (except we will leave the salt out next time, use extra soy sauce instead ;))
place them on the tray/flat part of the varoma, on a sheet of baking paper
weigh the rice in the basket as per the book (400g rice) and remove the basket (we'll add it later) and add the water (700g water) and put the lid on. place the varoma over the tmx
cook them for 5 minutes on varoma speed 3
open and place rice in bowl of tmx. place the lid and varoma back on
steam for 15 minutes on varoma speed 4
take the lid and dimsims in the varoma off carefully (very hot!) and add your chopped vegies (chop quick cooking vegies into larger pieces and slower cooking veg into smaller pieces) into the base of the varoma. place the dimsims and lid back on
cook for a further 3 1/2 minutes on varoma speed 4
check everything and cook for a further few minutes if needed
serve with soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, oyster sauce or whatever takes your fancy :)
note: we used 400g pork fillet and we have enough left to make more dimsims, though not as many as this time - we probably needed about 500g to make enough for the family for 2 dinners. i froze the leftovers in portions in ice cube trays so they'll be super quick for next time!
LOL, we had dimmies on Saturday night!
Also did some pork buns - will need to finish off drafts and publish.
Well done! Your Sunday dinner looked awesome. I had TM31 peanut butter on toast. Thanks again for letting me demonstrate the TM31. It was lovely meeting everyone.
it was great to meet you karen!
all the girls are totally obsessed by the thermomix now and busy plotting how they can get their own ;)
ps: too funny that you are karen3 - my geography class had 3 karen's (we sat together too ;))and i was karen2 there too!
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